American Institute of Professional Geologists

365彩票在线过滤 Chapter

The American Institute of Professional Geologists (AIPG), founded in 1963, is the largest association dedicated to promoting geology as a profession. 目前有 more than 7,800 members in the U.S. and abroad, organized into 36 regional Sections. The Institute adheres to the principles of professional responsibility and public service and is the only international organization that certifies the competence and ethical conduct of geological scientists in all branches of the science with members employed in industry, government, and academia. AIPG emphasizes competence, integrity 和道德. AIPG is an advocate for the profession and communicates regularly to federal and state legislators and agencies on matters pertaining to the geosciences.




第一节. This Chapter shall be known as the Robert Lessard Memorial Student Chapter of the American Institute of Professional Geologists. (One Chapter may serve neighboring 校园.)

Article II - Object

第一节. Its object shall be to promote among its members continued professional growth in the areas of geology and to encourage professional responsibility that includes ethical, social, economic, and safety considerations, with the added focus of helping students gain employment in the industry.

Article III - Conformity with American Institute of Professional Geologists

第一节. The governance of this Chapter shall at all times conform to the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the American Institute of Professional Geologists.

Article IV - Membership

第一节. Any student enrolled in an accredited 4-一年 university or college and enrolled in a geological or geoscience course or those interested in geosciences field shall be eligible for membership. Meetings are open to all students, alumni, professionals, and others who care to attend.

第二节. Membership shall continue as long as the member remains in good standing including payment of all dues owed.

第三节. The Chapter Sponsor and the 教师 Sponsor(s) shall be ex-officio members 本章的内容.


第一节. Annual Chapter dues of $0 shall be payable at the beginning of each administrative (学术). Chapter dues are separate from those remitted for affiliation with 该研究所.

第二节. A member in arrears one term shall lose voting privilege and, if in arrears one 一年, membership.

第三节. The Chapter shall have the right to levy special assessments by a two-thirds vote of all 现在 at any regular 会议.

Article VI - Officers

第一节. The officers shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and 财务主管.

第二节. Not less than two months prior to the last regular 会议 of each administrative 一年, the President shall appoint a Nominating Committee to select a slate of candidates, not to exceed two for each office.

第三节. Officers shall be elected for a term of one 一年 at a regular 会议 of the Chapter not later than one month prior to the last regular 会议 of each school 一年. The administrative 一年 shall coincide with the academic 一年, commencing with the fall term in August.  Each officer so elected shall personally thereupon accept election and pledge to assume the duties of the office.

第四节. Vacancies occurring during an administrative 一年 shall be filled at a called election at the next regular 会议.

第五节. To be eligible for election, the nominee must be an Affiliate or Member of American Institute of Professional Geologists and a member 本章的内容.

第六节. Election shall be by a majority vote (i.e., more than 51%) of the members 现在.

第七节. At the time of each annual election, there shall be identified to the Chapter, the AIPG Member appointed by the Section President, who shall act as Chapter Sponsor, a source of inspiration and counsel to the officers.

Article VII - Duties of the Officers

第一节. The President shall preside at all Chapter and Chapter Executive Committee 会议s, render the prescribed Chapter requirement of an Annual Report to AIPG headquarters, and assume all executive duties not otherwise delegated by these bylaws.

第二节. The Vice-President shall preside during the absence or at the request of the President and shall automatically succeed to the Presidency in case of vacancy.  The Vice President shall also be responsible for transporting refreshments to 会议s.

第三节. 秘书 shall keep a record of all 会议s 本章的内容 and the Chapter Executive Committee in the official minute book. The outgoing Secretary shall fulfill the Chapter requirements of reporting the election of new officers to AIPG Headquarters and to the Section President and shall act as librarian. 秘书 shall preside during the absence of both the President and Vice-President.

第四节. The 财务主管, working under the supervision 本章的内容 Sponsor and the Section 财务主管, shall handle and account for all funds, paying out funds only upon approval of the President, or the Chapter Executive Committee. 在结束时 the 一年, the 财务主管 shall submit a report with cash balance to the Chapter Executive Committee for audit and approval, and deliver all records and moneys to the incoming 财务主管.

第五节. The Chapter Sponsor shall advise the officers and membership and re现在 the Chapter at American Institute of Professional Geologists Section Meetings as regularly 尽可能. He/she shall encourage all Chapter members to attend Section and National 会议s as may be possible.

第六节. The 教师 Sponsor(s) shall serve as liaison between the Chapter and the faculty of the host institution, and shall advise the officers and membership.

Article VIII - Chapter Executive Committee

第一节. The Executive Committee consists of the elected officers, plus the Sponsor, 本章的内容. It meets regularly each month during the academic 一年 and such other times as called by the President, or by a quorum of the committee. 法定人数 consists of a simple majority, is necessary to conduct business. The Executive Committee conducts the business 本章的内容, acts on periodic reports from the Secretary, 财务主管, and Committee Chairmen, and is responsible to the Section, 该研究所 and the will of the majority of all Chapter members. The Executive Committee must approve the Annual Reports of the President, Secretary, and 财务主管 before they are sent to the Section and 该研究所.

第二节. All 会议s of the Executive Committee shall be open to the Chapter members.

Article IX - Committees

第一节. The officers 本章的内容, including the Chapter Sponsor as advisor, shall constitute the Executive Committee, charged with the responsibility of a successful 一年的计划.

第二节. The President, as Chairperson of the Executive Committee, shall appoint, with the approval of the Executive Committee, the personnel of the standing committees.

第三节. The standing committees shall include:

a)   Program Committee - to arrange and be responsible for 会议s, speeches, and 论文提出了.

(b)  Field Trip Committee - to arrange and carry out field trips

(c)   Membership Development Committee - to promote local and national membership and to encourage the involvement of non-members in Chapter activities.

(d)  Publicity Committee - to bring the Chapter and its activities, including all 会议s, to the attention of members, potential members, the school and the press and any other potentially interested persons.

The President shall be an advisory member of the standing committees. 委员会 shall be directly responsible to the Executive Committee, which shall have the power to change the personnel of the standing committees, and to appoint special or ad hoc committees as deemed necessary.

Article X - Meetings

第一节. The times for the regular 会议s 本章的内容 shall be decided at the beginning of each semester by the Executive Committee, which may also call a special 会议 at any time.

Article XI - Amendments

第一节. These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members, provided notice of the proposed amendment shall have been given in writing at the last regular 会议.

第二节. Amendments to these Bylaws must be approved by the American Institute of Professional Geologists Section and National Executive Committees.